After adoring and checking my modest handy work - reviews, I have found them to be missing some vital information. Since I am using a Habanos Tasting sheet for reviewing the cigars, there is no section mentioning which tobacco has been used for filler, binder and wrapper. Pretty important stuff. Cubans roll only with their tobacco (at least they claim so), so I guess there is no need to expressly put "wrapper: Cuba, binder: Cuba, filler: Cuba" on the tasting sheet. But non-cuban cigars are usually not puros, so it makes sense to mention which countries "provided" the leaves for blending and creating our enjoyment.
Another missing piece of the info that should be considered is place of purchase. Cuban sticks I purchase locally at my B&M, but they carry only the biggest names. For greatest selection, I shop online at La Casa del Habano Hamburg. They have great selection of cuban cigars and also cuban coffee, rum and accesories with very good prices, IMO.
Non-cubans I buy online from Famous Smoke Shop, since they were willing to tackle international order, while, surprisingly most other giants were not. Their prices are also fair and their customer service is very good.
I will update posted materials with the above section, and include it from now onwards.
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